Sunday, 20 January 2013

Protein pancakes

These pancakes are a staple in my kitchen for breakfast. The thought of having eggs first thing in the morning often makes me feel ill. Don't get me wrong, I do love them, just not every morning. I also seem to do better having a higher protein breakfast.

So onto the recipe...

You'll need

1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
1 scoop of coconut flour (which can be bought in health food shops)
4 egg whites or 1/2 cup of egg whites

Mix together with a whisk
The mixture will thicken quite quickly. Thin if out a little with milk or water if needed but it does need to be thicker than regular pancake mixture as I find it too hard to flip. Spray a non stick pan and cook 2 pancakes. Cook until just brown on each side as they do dry out if cooked to long.

I love to serve these with fresh strawberries, natural yoghurt and a sprinkle of flax meal. Other fan topping include mango, and other berries {defrosted frozen berries are just as delicious and super easy}

Another variation is to replace the vanilla protein powder with chocolate and serve with raspberries... So delicious

Hope you enjoy them. Don't be disheartened if they don't work out the first time. You'll get it right quickly and they taste awesome even if they look like a disaster the first few times.

Let me know how you go

Shan x


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