Friday, 11 January 2013

New year, New me

At the beginning of last year I would have never imagined what I would have achieved health and fitness wise during 2012. My goal was to lose 20kg but to be honest I never thought I would actually achieve it. My goal was to run 5km and again never thought I would achieve it. I am blown away by what I’ve done over the past 12 months and now am feeling amazing and alive again. 2012 saw me lose 31kg, run 12km, join the gym and actually use it, go from a size 20 jeans to size 10 and get the REAL me back. It saw me make changes for my family, especially my girls. As their mum I am their major role model and that was the driving force behind getting my health under control again. I didn’t want them to look at me, fat and unfit, and think that is what it’s like to be a woman. Now I want everyone to feel as good as I do. Weight loss has been one thing but my new goal for this year is to clean up my diet and life. Get rid of the things that aren’t working for me. Bad food is one of them. I know I can keep losing weight and not have a great diet. I don’t want that. As I’m pushing 40 I want my inside to be healthy too. So this is where I’m at. I’m embarking on new challenges for the year, new goals, new successes and I’m going to share them all here. This won’t just be about food and health. I’m looking at ways of becoming happier too.

I’m excited, are you? Are you struggling with your health?

I hope I can help you a little and thanks for reading along

Shan x


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