Tuesday, 3 July 2012

who am i and why am i here?

Aaahhh i love a fresh start and that's what this is. I am Shantell, Shan, mumma, muuuuuuummmmmm, cutie, Shani... I answer to many names. I am the face behind Missy Melly. I am a nurse and an acupuncturist. I am starting a new blog thats more about me and my life rather than just about Missy Melly. I felt constrained over at my Missy Melly blog as it's a children's clothing label. I am excited to let the REAL me out for ME and if anyone else wants to pop in and say hi then that would be fab.

I hope to blog about my life, my dreams, my fears, my loves, my dislikes, being a mummma, being a wife, being a friend, writing a book, cooking, craft, laughing, things I find on the net..... and so much more.


  1. Well Hello there
    Congratulations on your new blog! Looks great - will add you to my faves!!

  2. Hi honeybun - looking forward to catching up with YOU via this blog. Hugs xx

  3. Fantastic! Now when do we hear about the reason behind the name?


  4. Lovely!!! Where did you get that awesome Chevron background from?? I have been searching everywhere.

  5. Looks great. Looking forward to reading more from you. Nic.

  6. Hey Shan I have just found & read your whole blog. I kinda live in a bubble & seem to find out everything later, like maybe when you announced you were writing this. Great reading I can relate to a lot of it.
    Looking forward to more.
    Kylie xx
